Friday, April 24, 2015

Doctor Claims That Hexavalent Infanrix Vaccine Causes Sudden Death Of Babies,’ Anti-Vaccination Advocates Question Why Report Was Confidential

[Inquisitr] One doctor says there is a strong link between the Infanrix hexa vaccine and cases of sudden death among babies. The manufacturer of the hexavalent Infanrix vaccine, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), disclosed required information in a confidential report to the regulatory authority. In that report, which has been made public per orders by Italian Court of Justice Nicola Di Leo, according to the India Medical Times, the deaths of 72 babies took place within 20 days of getting the Infanrix hexa jab. Di Leo ordered the documents released during an autism-related hearing.

Infanrix vaccination generally follows a schedule of injections at three, five, and eleven-months of age, according to a paper published in Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, which stated that the vaccine was first licensed in 2000 and that the vaccine has demonstrated a decade of safety.

Dr. Jacob Puliyel, head of pediatrics at St. Stephens Hospital in Delhi, linked to the previously confidential documents on Infanrix and commented on the Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics’s article where it appears in the U.S. National Institute of Health’s library. The pediatrics head called attention to what he believes is a strong correlation between sudden death and Infanrix when he wrote that “if one analyzes the data looking at deaths in first 10 days after administration of vaccine and compares it to the deaths in the next 10 days, it is clear that 97% of deaths (65 deaths) in the infants below 1 year, occur in the first 10 days and 3% (2 deaths) occur in the next 10 days.”

Read more.

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