Monday, April 13, 2015

Paul Questions Hillary's Sincerity on Women's Rights

CNN's State of the Union Sunday, 2016 Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul questioned Hillary Clinton's sincerity on women's rights given the fact that she may have accepted donations to the Clinton Foundation from countries with terrible human rights records.

Paul noted the "history" of the Clintons "feeling like they're above the law." Especially in light of touting that they would not accept donations to the Clinton Foundation during the time she was Secretary of State when there are accusations that they did.

"There are questions of them taking millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, from the Sultan of Brunei," Paul said. "Countries that really have an abysmal human rights record and women's rights record."

Putting into perspective how other countries actually treat women, Paul said:

"It questions the sincerity of whether or not she would be a champion for women's rights when she accepts money from a country like Brunei that stones to death people for adultery. And realize that this is men accusing women of adultery, not women accusing men, because the men have the only say in the legal system in Brunei. So, it does really -- it makes it difficult for her message to appear sincere when she's taking money from these foreign countries."

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