Tuesday, April 14, 2015

#ShutDownA14: Protesters against police brutality barricade Brooklyn Bridge

Protesters gathered in New York City and around the United States to rally against police brutality and a peak in officers killing unarmed black men. Organizers spread the message on social media using the #ShutDownA14 hashtag.

Several arrests have been made in New York after protesters shut down Brooklyn Bridge. RT's Aleksey Yaroshevsky reports from the site.

Protests are occurring in more than 30 cities in 18 states. Tuesday’s nationwide event was organized by the Stop Mass Incarceration Network. The group is demanding that “the murder of Black and Brown people by the police MUST STOP”; calling for “justice for all the victims of brutal, murdering police”; asking the court system to “indict, convict and send killer cops to jail” because “the whole damn system is guilty as hell”; and to “stop the repression targeting the protests” by dropping all charges against protesters.
Read more.

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