Sunday, April 12, 2015

Obama Admin Gives $128 Million From Agency to Feed the World’s Hungry to Pro-Abortion Groups

Washington DC (CFAM) — A government report shows two international abortion advocacy groups received $128 million from USAID, a federal agency that distributes foreign aid.

One of them – International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) – works at the UN Its goal is to require countries to regard abortion as a right and include it in global poverty and health programs. The other, Population Council, works to make abortions widely available in developing countries where it is especially dangerous.

Both groups have origins in the eugenics movement.

U.S. law prohibits foreign aid paying for abortions. But under an executive order by President Obama, tax dollars can go to international groups that provide and promote abortion. While the money cannot be spent to do abortions, paying for items like overhead, advocacy and materials frees other money to be spent on abortions.

Read more.

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